Measuring Performance to Maximize Progress; Measuring Progress to Maximize Performance

Why should you get ProACTIVE?

Testing and Health and Longevity

"What can be measured can be managed! VO2 Max is arguably the best predictor of health and lifespan. Understanding your current VO2 Max can provide valuable insights into where you might stand in terms of health later in life. Many factors contribute to achieving a high VO2 Max, including body composition, strength, cardiac and respiratory capacity, and metabolic health. This comprehensive array of variables may explain why VO2 Max is such a strong indicator of overall health. Through testing, we can identify individual weaknesses and develop a tailored plan for improvement.

Testing and Training Efficiency

Life is busy, and most of us cannot commit to training like professional athletes. However, we still strive to succeed and achieve our goals. Testing can reveal how you should train to optimize performance within a realistic training frequency. This involves setting personalized heart rate zones corresponding to different intensities, which target varying metabolic, cardiorespiratory, muscular, and neurological stressors as well as what limited performance at the intensity demand of the individuals goals. 

Testing and High Performance

Achieving elite sports performance demands dedication and attention to detail. The margin between winning and losing is often narrower than perceived by the average person, and success doesn't solely hinge on hard work. As competition intensifies, the skill gap among competitors diminishes. Understanding your physiology and potential training biases can provide a competitive edge. With limited hours in a day, maximizing training effectiveness through a properly periodized program becomes crucial."

Testing and Caloric Balance

Both weight loss and weight gain can be incredibly difficult tasks both mentally and physically. For some individuals, having concrete data to work with from the beginning of their journey can provide structure and motivation to the most difficult part of habit creation. We can provide insight into Caloric Expenditure at rest and during different training intensities to help you find the caloric balance that is right for you and your goals.